Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Hugo nomination

I have to congratulate my mentor, James Patrick Kelly, for his Best Novella Hugo nomination for Burn. Jim is also up for a Nebula award this year for his novelette Men Are Trouble. Both are extremely good. A link to his website is available in the influences section to the right. Check it out.


Jim Kelly said...

Wait,you have a blog? How come I didn't know that already? And what the hell did you do to yourself in that pix? Are you an alien? If you are, how come you're writing mysteries?

Write what you know, friend from another planet!

Patrick Shawn Bagley said...

The picture frightens me. It looks like the ghost of Wilford Brimley (I assume Brimley's dead; haven't seen any of those award-winning oatmeal commercials lately).