OK, fanboy rant.
X-Men 3 sucked ass, big time. I'm so glad I didn't see it in the theater. Brett Ratner should be taken out and shot. Stay with the Rush Hour movies you dumb shit. He completely destroyed the Mutant universe. Arrgghh! 20th Century Fox better not fuck up the Silver Surfer next summer, or I'm gonna be really pissed. OK, geek post done.
It's OK. I had the same reaction upon finding out that film rights for the new novel, World War Z, had already been optioned. The book seems so good that I hope whoever destroyed the Dawn of the Dead remake doesn't get their paws all over this too....
I thought Hugh Jackman was really good in this movie, and Kelsey Grammar wasn't too bad - but you're right. The movie sucked.
Sure it blew ass, but tell me you didn't geek out when Kelsey Grammer said, "Oh my stars and garters."
I get a terrible feeling in the pit of my stomach (and that's a big fucking pit, let me tell you) when I think of how badly Hollywood could screw up on the Silver Surfer.
Christa, I'm hoping the guys who did Shaun of the Dead get to make it. Maybe the writer's dad could take a stab at it. Mel Brooks and zombies - I love it.
Graham, they wasted a pretty good cast, especially Ben Foster as Angel. He was so good in Hostage. But I think one of the mistakes was casting Kelsey Grammer as Beast. And no Patrick, I didn't geek out with anything Grammer did. I basically tried to keep the bile from rising up in my throat.
I think I'll have to settle with small bits visuals of the Silver Surfer in FF2, since they really screwed the pooch with the first movie. How are they going to introduce the Surfer without using Galactus? It's just going to be 20th Century Fox screwing up another Marvel universe classic, like the Dark Phoenix.
And Patrick, you don't have to tell me how large that pit is, I know, buddy. :)
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