Monday, September 24, 2007

I Think the 1st Amend is the One Getting Fucked

The college newspaper of Colorado State University is under fire for publishing a two-word editorial criticizing Bush and the recent tasering of a college student at another university. The editorial, titled "Taser This..." , simply reads, "Fuck Bush." The editorial has since cost the newspaper $30,000 in lost advertisements, as well as a 10 perscent reduction in its operating budget (all reasonable reactions to such a controvertial piece); but the saddest result is the investigation into "the decision-making process" that lead to the editorial publication. The editor-in-chief, who also wrote a a letter defending the newspaper's decision, now faces possible termination. Yeah, this is what we should be teaching in college: don't express your political beliefs or you'll face punishment. What a wonderful time we live in.


pattinase (abbott) said...

Did you catch the video where a father is being chased through a maternity area with one of these?

Steve Allan said...

No, where can I find it?

Steven said...

"don't express your political beliefs or you'll face punishment."

Are we certain it was a political statement? It might have been sexual in nature. Hard to say.

Steve Allan said...

Well, if it's sexual in nature would it then be a pro-Bush editorial? Either way, the newspaper has the right to publish their displeasure or of pleasure with Bush without facing investigation. However, if it's the latter, I might suggest some therapy.

pattinase (abbott) said...

it was on a feature on the news here so it may not be available on youtube. He actually had a baby in his arms.