Thursday, March 01, 2007


Despite starting a new job and trying to get in as much play time with the kids as I can, I've actually written two things this week; which is more than I have accomplished in the last month. I finished an essay about an old friend and his experience with firearms (funny, not tragic), and I just finished a flash piece for the upcoming Blog Short Story Project (a monumental event that starts sometime next week). Plus, I've written three blog posts over the past few days. Not too shabby. But there is more to come. I have a book review that I'll post by the end of this weekend, plus an interview with the author of that book which should appear around the same time.

If all goes well, there should be a massive snow storm here by tonight and the UMaine campus will shut down tomorrow; giving me more time to get things done - like a short story for an anthology that comes out next Spring (It's coming, Patrick, I promise).

Well, back to it, I guess.

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