I finally finished the bibliography for my thesis. It consists of all the books I've read since I started the MFA program a couple of years ago. They're all listed below.
Allison, Dorothy
Bastard Out of Carolina. Plume, 1993.
Azzarello, Brian
100 Bullets, vol 1: First Shot, Last Call. Vertigo, 2000.
Ballard, J.G.
Crash. Picador, 2001.
Chris Baty, Chris
No Plot? No Problem. Chronicle Books, 2004.
Baum, L. Frank
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. Del Ray, 1985.
Benedict, Elizabeth
The Joy of Writing Sex. Owl Books, 2002.
Block, Lawrence
Telling Lies for Profit and Fun. Harper, 1994.
Eight Million Ways to Die. Avon, 1993.
When the Sacred Gin Mill Closes. Avon, 1997.
Bradbury, Ray
Zen in the Art of Writing. Bantam, 1992.
The Illustrated Man. Specta, 1983.
Something Wicked This Way Comes. Spectra, 1983.
Brombert, Victor
In Praise of Antiheroes. University of Chicago Press, 2000.
Brown, Dan
The DaVinci Code. Doubleday
Angels and Demons. Pocket
Bruen, Ken
The Guards. St. Martin’s Press, 2004
The Killing of the Tinkers. St. Martin’s Press, 2005
The Magdalen Martyrs. St. Martin’s Press, 2006
The Dramatist. St. Martin’s Press, 2006
Bryson, Bill
A Walk In the Woods. Broadway, 1999.
Bukowski, Charles
Run With the Hunted. Ecco
Burgess, Anthony
A Clockwork Orange. W W Norton and Company, 1986.
Burke, James Lee
Purple Cane Road. Doubleday, 2000.
Burroughs, William S.
Naked Lunch. Grove Press, 2004.
Burroway, Janet
Writing Fiction. Longman Publishing, 1999.
Butler, Robert Olen
From Where You Dream. Gove Press, 2006.
Cain, James M.
Double Indemnity. Vintage
The Postman Always Rings Twice. Vintage
Chabon, Michael
Wonder Boys. Vintage
Cheever, John
The Stories of John Cheever. Ballantine Books, 1985.
Coetzee, J.M.
Disgrace. Viking, 1999.
Waiting for the Barbarians. Penguin, 1982.
Connelly, Michael
The Lincoln Lawyer. Little, Brown
The Black Echo. Warner Books
The Black Ice. Warner Books
The Concrete Blonde. Warner Books
The Last Coyote. Warner Books
The Poet. Warner Books
Angels Flight. Warner Books
A Darkness More Than Night. Warner Books
City of Bones. Warner Books
Chasing the Dime. Warner Books
Lost Light. Warner Books
The Narrows. Little Brown
The Closers. Little Brown
Connolly, John
Dark Hollow. Pocket Books, 2002
The Black Angel. Atria Books, 2005
Corrigan, John R.
Bad Lie. University Press of New Engalnd, 2005
Cut Shot. University Press of New Engalnd, 2003
Snap Hook. University Press of New Engalnd, 2004
Crais, Robert
The Monkey’s Raincoat. Bantam
Stalking the Angel. Bantam
Creating Fiction: Instruction and Insight from Teachers of the Associated Writers Program. Story Press Books, 1999.
Crumley, James
The Wrong Case. Vintage
The Last Good Kiss. Vintage
Dancing Bear. Vintage
The Mexican Tree Duck. Warner Books
Bordersnakes. Warner Books
The Right Madness. Viking
Cunningham, Michael
The Hours. Vintage
Dahl, Roald
Matilda. Puffin Books, 1998.
James and the Giant Peach. Puffin Books, 2000.
DeLillo, Don
White Noise. Penguin
Dexter, Pete
The Paperboy. Random House, 1995.
Train, Doubleday, 2003.
Paris Trout. Penguin, 1989.
Dickens, Charles
Great Expectations. Penquin, 2002.
Dorsey, Tim
Hammerhead Ranch Motel. Harper Torch, 2001.
Durham, David Anthony
A Walk Through Darkness. Anchor, 2003
Pride of Carthedge. Anchor, 2005
Ellroy, James
Hollywood Nocturnes. Delta, 1998.
White Jazz. Fawcett, 1993.
L.A. Confidential. Warner Books, 1997.
Ennis, Garth
Preacher, Vol. 1: Gone to Texas. Vertigo, 1996.
Estleman, Loren
Writing Popular Fiction. Writer’s Digest Books, 2004.
Eugenides, Jeffrey
The Virgin Suicides. Warner Books, 1994.
Fielding, Helen
Bridget Jones’s Diary. Penquin, 1999.
Fitzgerald, F. Scott
Tender Is the Night. Scribner, 1995.
The Great Gatsby. Scriner, 1995.
Ford, Richard
The Sportswriter. Vintage, 1995.
A Multitude of Sins. Vintage, 2003.
Franken, Al
Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them. Dutton, 2003.
Gardner, John
The Art of Fiction. Vintage, 1991.
Gaiman, Neil
Marvel 1602. Marvel, 2005.
Gerritsen, Tess
The Sinner. Ballantine Books, 2003
Gischler, Victor
Gun Monkeys. Dell, 2003.
Goldman, William
The Temple of Gold. Dell, 1976.
Gran, Sara
Dope. Putnam, 2006.
Greene, Graham
The Quiet American. Penguin
The End of the Affair. Penguin
Travels With My Aunt. Penguin
Brighton Rock. Penguin
Grisham, John
The Runaway Jury. Dell, 1997.
Haddon, Mark
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time. Doubleday, 2003.
Hammett, Dashiell
The Maltese Falcon. Vintage
Red Harvest. Vintage
The Thin Man. Vintage
The Glass Key. Vintage
Hemingway, Ernest
The Sun Also Rises. Scribner
The Garden of Eden. Scribner
Highsmith, Patricia
The Talented Mister Ripley. Vintage
Ripley’s Game. Vintage
Ripley Underground. Vintage
The Blunderer. W.W. Norton and Company
Hillerman, Tony
The Best American Mystery Stories of the Century. Houghton Mifflin, 2000.
Hornby, Nick
Speaking With the Angels. Riverhead Trade, 2001.
About a Boy. Riverhead Trade, 1999.
High Fidelity. Riverhead Trade, 2000.
Huston, Charlie
Six Bad Things. Ballantine Books, 2005.
Irving, John
A Sound Like Someone Trying Not to Make a Sound. Doubleday, 2004.
Ishiguro, Kazuo
The Remains of the Day. Vintage, 1990.
Jones, James
From Here to Eternity. Delta, 1998.
Kelly, James Patrick
Think Like a Dinosaur. Golden Gryphon Press, 2003
Strange But Not a Stranger. Golden Gryphon Press 2002
Planet of Whispers. St. Martin’s Press, 1984
King, Stephen
Cell. Scribner’s, 2005
The Colorado Kid. Hard Case Crime, 2005
Desperation. Signet, 1997
The Regulators. Dutton, 1996
Dolores Claiborne. Viking, 1993
Everything’s Eventual. Signet, 2003
The Dark Tower IV: Wizard and Glass. Donald M. Grant/Scribner, 1997
The Dark Tower V: Wolves of The Calla. Donald M. Grant/Scribner, 2003
The Dark Tower VI: Song of Susannah. Donald M. Grant/Scribner, 2004
On Writing. Scribner, 2000
Dreamcatcher. Pocket, 2001
Needful Things. Signet, 1992
The Tommyknockers. Signet, 1988
Kress, Nancy
Beginnings, Middles and Ends. Writer’s Digest Books, 1999.
Le Carre, John
Absolute Friends. Little, Brown, 2005.
Lehane, Dennis
A Drink Before the War. Harper Torch,1996
Darkness, Take My Hand. Harper Torch, 1997
Sacred. Harper Torch,1998
Prayers for Rain. Harper Torch, 2000
Gone, Baby, Gone. Harper Torch, 1999
Shutter Island. William Morrow, 2003
Mystic River. Harper Torch, 2002
Leonard, Elmore
The Hot Kid. William Morrow, 2005.
When the Women Come to Dance. William Morrow
Mr. Paradise. William Morrow
Lethem, Jonathan
Gun, With Occasional Music. Harvest Books, 2003.
Lewis, C.S.
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. Harper, 1984.
Lippman, Laura
Baltimore Blues. New York: Avon, 1997
Charm City. New York: Avon, 1997
Butchers Hill. New York: Avon, 1998
In Big Trouble. New York: Avon, 1999
Every Secret Thing. New York: Avon, 2004
By A Spider’s Thread. New York: Avon, 2005
In A Strange City. New York: Avon, 2002
Ludlum, Robert
The Bourne Identity. Bantam, 1984.
The Bourne Supremacy. Bantam, 1987.
MacDonald, Ross
The Instant Enemy. Warner Books
The Chill. Warner Books
The Doomsters. Warner Books
The Goodbye Look. Vintage
Martin, George R.R.
A Game of Thrones. Spectra, 1996.
Martin, Steve
The Pleasure of My Company. Hyperion, 2003.
Pure Drivel. Hyperion, 1998.
McBain, Ed
The Gutter and The Grave. Hard Case Crime, 2005
McCarthy, Cormac
No Country For Old Men. Knopf, 2005.
McEwan, Ian
Enduring Love. Anchor, 1998.
Black Dogs. Anchor, 1998.
McGrath, Patrick
Asylum. Vintage, 1998.
McMurtry, Larry
The Last Picture Show. Penguin
Merullo, Roland
Revere Beach Boulevard. Owl Publishing Company, 1999
Revere Beach Elegy. Beacon Press, 2002
Moore, Christopher
The Island of the Sequined Love Nun. Perenial, 2000.
Mosley, Walter
Big Bad Brawly Brown. Warner Books, 2003
Little Scarlet. Little, Brown, 2004
Fearless Jones. Little, Brown, 2001
Fear Itself. Little, Brown, 2003
The Man in My Basement. Little, Brown, 2004
Walkin’ the Dog. Little, Brown, 2000
Always Outnumbered, Always Outgunned. Little, Brown, 1998
Cinnamon Kiss. Little, Brown, 2005
Oates, Joyce Carol
The Tattooed Girl. Ecco, 2003
O’Brien, Tim
The Things They Carried. Penquin
In the Lake of the Woods. Penquin
O’Nan, Stewart
A Prayer for the Dying. Picador, 2000.
The Speed Queen. Grove Press, 2001.
Palahniuk, Chuck
Fight Club. W.W. Norton and Company, 1996.
Parker, T. Jefferson
Silent Joe. Hyperion, 2001
Cold Pursuit. Harper Torch, 2004
California Girls. William Morrow, 2004
Parkhurst, Carolyn
The Dogs of Babel. Little Brown, 2003.
Patterson, James
Cat and Mouse. Warner Books, 1998.
Jack and Jill. Warner Books, 2003.
Pelecanos, George
King Suckerman. Dell, 1998
The Sweet Forever. Dell, 1999
Soul Circus. Warner Books, 2004
A Firing Offense. Serpent’s Tail, 1999
Shoedog. Serpent’s Tail, 2003
Shame the Devil. Dell, 2001
Right As Rain. Warner Books, 2002
The Big Blowdown. St. martin’s Press, 1996
Hell To Pay. Warner Books, 2003
Hard Revolution, Little, Brown, 2004
Drama City. Little, Brown, 2005
Perrotta, Tom
Little Children. St. Martin’s Press, 2004.
Phillips, Scott
The Ice Harvest. Ballantine Books, 2001
The Republic. Penquin
Plotnik, Arthur
Spunk and Bite. Random House, 2005.
Pratchett, Terry
The Light Fantastic. Harper Torch, 2000.
The Color of Magic. Harper Torch, 2000.
Rankin, Ian
Resurrection Men. Little, Brown
Fleshmarket Alley. Little, Brown
A Question of Blood. Little, Brown
Read, Cornelia
A Field of Darkness. Mysterious Press, 2006.
Rickards, John
Winter’s End. St. Martin’s Minotaur, 2003.
Russo, Richard
Empire Falls. Vintage, 2002.
The Whore’s Child. Vintage, 2003.
Searle, Elizabeth
Celebrities in Disgrace. Graywolf Press, 2001.
A Four-Sided Bed. Graywolf Press, 1998.
Sebold, Alice
The Lovely Bones. Little Brown, 2002.
Sedaris, David
Me Talk Pretty One Day. Back Bay Books, 2001.
Selby, Jr., Hubert
Last Exit to Brooklyn. Grove Press, 1988.
Sendak, Maurice
Where the Wild Things Are. Harper Trophy, 1998.
In the Night Kitchen. Harper Trophy, 1995.
Shea, Suzanne Strempek
Shelf Life. Beacon Press, 2005
Selling the Lite of Heaven. Atria, 1994
Siler, Jenny
Flashback Henry Holt, 2004
Easy Money St. Martin’s, 2000
Iced St. Martin’s, 2001
Shot. St. Martin’s/Minotaur, 2003
Silet, Charles L.P.
Talking Murder: Interviews With 20 Mystery Writers. Persea Books, 1999.
Stark, Richard
Payback. Mysterious Press, 1999.
The Man with the Getaway Face. Mysterious Press, 1998.
The Mourner. Mysterious Press, 2001.
Stewart, Jon
America (The Book) A Citizen’s Guide to Democracy Inaction. Warner Books, 2004.
Strout, Elizabeth
Amy and Isabelle. Vintage, 2000.
Swierczynski, Duane
The Wheelman. St. Martin’s Minotaur, 2005.
Thompson, Jim
After Dark, My Sweet. Vintage
Tolkein, J.R.R.
The Hobbit. Houghton Mifflin, 1999.
Truss, Lynn
Eats, Shoots and Leaves: The Zero Tolerance Approach to Punctuation. Gotham, 2004.
Turow, Scott
Personal Injuries. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1999.
Reversible Errors. Warner Books, 2003.
Unsworth, Barry
The Songs of the Kings. Nan A. Talese, 2003.
Updike, John
Villages. Knopf, 2004.
The Witches of Eastwick. Fawcett, 1985.
Kurt Vonnegut
Bagombo Snuff Box. Berkley, 2000
Mother Night. Dell, 1991.
The Sirens of Titan. Dell, 1992.
Walter, Jess
Citizen Vince. Regan Books, 2005.
Wells, Rebecca
The Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood. Harper, 2002.
Westlake, Donald
What’s the Worse That Could Happen. Waner Books, 1997.
The Hot Rock. Mysterious Press, 2001.
Willeford, Charles
Miami Blues. Vintage
New Hope For the Dead. Vintage
Wood, Monica
Description. Writer’s Digest Books
Pocket Muse: Ideas and Inspirations for Writing. Writer’s Digest Books.
Woodrell, Daniel
The Death of Sweet Mister. New York: Plume, 2002
Tomato Red. New York: Plum, 2000
Give Us a Kiss. New York: Pocket, 1998
Writers On Writing: Collected Essays from The New York Times. Times Books, 2002.
Writing Mysteries: A Handbook by Mystery Writers of America. Writer’s Digest Books, 2001.
Yates, Richard
Revolutionary Road. Vintage